This is the Loud Mouth podcast where we will cover different topics. Some of our episodes are us taking 2 sides of a topic and debating on which is better, others we will talk about random topics that we find interesting and hope that you do too.
Episode 1
In this episode, we throw the heads of the Greek Pantheon and the Norse gods into battle. On one side, we have Zeus, the Greek god of the sky, who can control everything in his domain. On the other side, we have the All-Father, Odin, who leads the Aesir gods with a myriad of powers and vast knowledge. Who will win? Find out in this episode!
Episode 2
In this episode, the siblings Athena and Ares are going head to head. Ares is the Greek god of war, brutally defeating all in his path. Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom and strategy, defeating her enemies by outsmarting them. Who will win? Find out here on the Loud Mouth podcast!