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Everything you've ever been told could be a lie... In this podcast we explore many different conspiracy theories while sipping on bubble tea. Want to find out what we think about these theories? Grab some headphones and tune in!

Off the Goop ft. Andrei & Jaime
On this episode we're joined by two conspiracy experts to discuss several popular conspiracies and mind-blowing theories. Listen in if you want to question EVERYTHING.
Ep.1 Part 1 Off the Goop ft. Jaime and Andrei - Jayda & Julia
00:00Ep.1 Part 2 Off the Goop ft. Jaime and Andrei - Jayda & Julila
Ep.2 ATLiens ft. Krissy
Do you believe in aliens?? In this episode we talk about a few alien conspiracy theories and what we think "aliens" are. The outside sources mentioned in this podcast are: Shane Dawson "Mind Blowing Conspiracy Theories" via youtube, and an article titled "13 Reasons to Believe Aliens Are Real"
Ep.2 ATLiens ft. Krissy - Jayda & Julia
Ep. 3 "Ancient AirPods" ft. Krissy & Andrei
In this episode we talk about some ancient civilizations and how they may have been more advanced than we think... If after listening to this episode you want to learn more about this theory, watch Bright Insight on YouTube, the channel has many videos related to this topic. Be sure to listen to the full episode to figure out what AirPods have to do with this theory!
Ep. 3 Ancient AirPods - Jayda & Julia ft. Krissy & Andrei
No Flex "Clone" ft. Shona and Krissy
In this episode the Holy TriniTEA and their friend Shona take on the topic of clones and celebriTEAS. The article mentioned in this episode is by and is titled "Katy Perry is Jonbenet Ramsey."
No Flex "Clone" ft. Shona and Krissy - Jayda and Julia
Ep. 5 "Dumby Fye" ft. Jaime, Krissy, & Andrei
In this episode we thought we would do something a little different and come up with our own conspiracies for the last episode. We get a little loud and crazy but if you want a good laugh take a listen!
Ep. 5 "Dumby Fye" ft. Jaime, Krissy, & Andrei - Jayda and Julia
Bonus Episode! What's the tea sis?
In this short bonus episode we share our top 5 favorite bubble tea places in Atlanta!! If you're looking for a good bubble tea place to try then be sure to take a listen!
Bonus Episode! What's the tea sis? - Jayda and Julia
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